Breaks are Good

18 Oct

I really needed a break from blogging when we left Iceland, it felt like I just needed to let that time rest and in some ways continue at the same time by leaving my last post up for a good long while.  I still have things  to catch up on, perhaps in a designated time each week to stretch out the remembering as long and sweetly as possible.  We miss our life there, but returning to St. Louis has also been joyful, and we have packed in the craziness (as we do so well!) since coming back to the States.  The weather here is starting to feel a bit like Iceland. . .well, Iceland in July. . .and we’re putting our sweaters and hats back on after a month or so of shorts and t-shirts–just the right amount of time for me, I think.

I look forward to sharing more about St. Louis life, but first, Art House America has kindly published another essay of mine, this time about Iceland (here’s mine from last summer, about Dutch L’Abri).  While you’re over on that blog, check out some of the other articles there, there’s something for everyone and they’re always worth the time.  Here’s the link to my essay.

1 Comment

Posted by on October 18, 2012 in Travel, Writings


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One response to “Breaks are Good

  1. Noel

    December 20, 2012 at 2:12 am

    I know this is random, but I’ve tried searching her email address but I can’t remember it exactly. I was wondering if you could give me Kara’s number. My uncle went to L’Abri last year and she gave him her email but he can’t find it anywhere.


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